Monday, August 1, 2011

Lifting The Veil: A Multi-Part Series

The concept for this blog was largely inspired by a particular scene from the movie The Matrix.  In that scene, Neo, the protagonist in the film, stands on the precipice of an enormous discovery, one that would force him to confront the nature of his existence and potentially dismantle the foundations upon which his reality was based.
Morpheus offers him a choice.  The blue pill offers safety, and a return to the ignorance of his past life.  The red offers novelty, a glimpse into the true nature of the world without the comforting delusions of society.  Neo ultimately goes with the red pill, preferring to take the long trip down the rabbit hole instead of returning to his previous, manufactured existence.
Although The Matrix is a science fiction film, its parallels to our world have become increasingly apparent to me over the years.  It is unsettling to contemplate how our own realities might be compromised with layer upon layer of biases, artificial constraints, and delusions.  It is important to point out here that whether you decide to “take the red pill” is just that– a decision.  Only you can decide what’s in your best interests, and I’m not here to push any type of agenda onto you.  If you would prefer to take the blue pill, I have good news for you: “reality” television is more popular than ever, and, hold your breath, the NFL lockout is over!  If that’s your cup of tea, feel free to read no further.  (And no, I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy crappy television or sports… sometimes).
I’ve decided that this Lifting the Veil series will provide introductions to popularly-accepted norms and cultural mores, deconstruct them, and attempt to discern the true nature of the reality in which we all live.  I plan to cover topics ranging from politics to public education, economics to arts and culture.  The main aim is to examine some of the most common tenets in Western society, and ask a few simple questions: Why are we so comfortable with holding this tenet as true?  Whose agenda is being served here?  Why have all the alternative perspectives been pushed aside?
Just remember that these inquiries are ultimately a choice.  I hope that you’re receptive to challenging your own perceptions of the world, and trusting your own reason over establishment “experts.”  I’m not trying to pretend I have all the answers; I just want to keep asking the questions.

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